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学者 / 特殊的程序 / 华盛顿中心


Internships and Academic Seminars in Washington, D.C.

华盛顿中心 experience is an academic semester built around an internship. 的 华盛顿中心 offers students a unique integration of work and academics through which you gain valuable professional experience and earn credits towards graduation requirements.

的 internship, however, is only part of the story.  花了一个学期, 或者一个夏天的经历, immersed in the dynamic and multi-cultural 华盛顿D.C. area, you’ll have an experience that is not possible in a traditional campus setting.  You will not only have a great work and learning experience, but you will also get a great life experience.

华盛顿中心’s educational philosophy integrates professional work, 做的功课, 领导和公民参与.  Consequently, the academic internship program is comprised of three (3) components.

  • 实习 这提供了实质性的, professional experience related to your academic and professional goals gives students a clear cut advantage when competing for entry level positions after graduation.  的se semester long work experiences are critical stepping stones to professional success.
  • 学术课程 selected from up to 30 offered each term by highly qualified faculty.  All students are required to enroll in an academic course.
  • 领导力论坛, a structured set of activities that give interns opportunities to understand leadership and contribute to their communities locally, 国内和国际. Students hear and interact with distinguished speakers – including cabinet members, 大使, 记者, 国会议员, and others who introduce them to current public policy debates and the organizations and people who shape them. You will participate in events such as panel discussions, site visits and briefings especially designed for students with similar professional interests.  通过公民参与活动, students learn how to apply skills to help them make a positive difference 在社区里 by becoming a more active citizen and contributing to one of many different social causes through direct service.
  • 投资组合 在华盛顿特区.C., you will create a portfolio of your work, documenting your activities and accomplishments.  It gives you a chance to reflect on your strengths and plan for your future.  This portfolio gives faculty and staff back on campus a glimpse into all that you did while in DC and provides you with a valuable product to show prospective employers.

  • Attorney General for the District of Columbia
  • CBS新闻
  • Center for Strategic and 国际 Studies
  • Center for Science in the Public Sector
  • D.C. 法证科学系
  • 金融服务圆桌会议
  • Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency
  • Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
  • Law offices including Public Defender and Private firms
  • 曼彻斯特贸易
  • 全国精神卫生协会
  • 罪犯的援助 & 恢复
  • 史密森学会
  • 各种各样的你.S. 部门 such as Defense, Commerce, Interior, Treasury, State.,美国环境保护署
  • 白宫
  • U.S. 警察
  • 华盛顿D.C. 警察局

访问 华盛顿中心 为了更多的机会.

博士联系. 史蒂文•赫维茨 Professor of Psychology and Criminal Justice, 419-448-3284, or in his office located in the McKillip房子.


You will share an apartment with other TWC students either at TWC’s Residential and Academic facility or at another carefully selected building, all of which are located in the NoMa neighborhood near the U.S. 国会大厦. All housing units are fully furnished, A / C, 设备齐全的厨房, 洗衣设施, 电话和基本有线电视服务, 无线高速互联网, 24小时前台覆盖, 运动设施, computer labs and convenient access to the Metro subway system.

To see more about 华盛顿中心 住房 visit:

You’ll get to know people not just from all over the United States but from all over the world.  You will participate in social activities, trips and adventures with your colleagues that help you create friendships that remain strong even after you complete your internship.

To truly stand out, we must not feel compelled to fit in.